Often your pump becomes blocked and it can only perform at up to 50% of its normal ability.
Carefully take out your pumps and inspect them closely for dirt and grime. Make sure there are no blockages and dust them down .Its time to return your pumps to the water after careful inspection of them and your hoses. You can give your biological filters a spring boost by inoculating them with beneficial bacteria available from garden suppliers. This is not a chemical. It is harmless to humans, animals, fish and plants. It helps to jump start your pond and maintains a healthy immune system for your fish. A 100% natural bio-product consisting of bacteria cultured on barley straw, enzymes and activated barley straw. You can test the water to assure that ammonia has not built up over the winter months. If you have high levels of ammonia, a 25% water exchange at this time should reduce the risk to your fish. If you have chlorine in the water, you will need to treat it. Be patient if you notice string algae or green water. Once your pond has established a balance this will disappear.
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